Blacksmithing 205 - Forge Welding: The 7th Forging Operation
Prerequisites: Blacksmithing 100, Blacksmithing 200
Skill Level: Seasoned Beginner
Age Requirement: None
This is the only forging operation not covered is Blacksmithing 100. One of the 7 basic forging operations available to the blacksmith, forge-welding often acquires a reputation for difficulty. This essential skill doesn’t have to be difficult, and this class can show you how. This course will demystify the process and show you some of the “secrets” for successful forge-welding, from careful attention to the state of the fire, to the proper preparation of scarfs, and the application of flux. We will discuss different types of welds and joints for various applications. Once acquired, forge-welding will add significantly to your blacksmithing skills, opening more options that were unavailable before. The focus of this class is on learning how to forge-weld, rather than on the completion of projects, but you can expect to leave with you forge-welded items that can be made into finished projects later
Prerequisites: Blacksmithing 100, Blacksmithing 200
Skill Level: Seasoned Beginner
Age Requirement: None
This is the only forging operation not covered is Blacksmithing 100. One of the 7 basic forging operations available to the blacksmith, forge-welding often acquires a reputation for difficulty. This essential skill doesn’t have to be difficult, and this class can show you how. This course will demystify the process and show you some of the “secrets” for successful forge-welding, from careful attention to the state of the fire, to the proper preparation of scarfs, and the application of flux. We will discuss different types of welds and joints for various applications. Once acquired, forge-welding will add significantly to your blacksmithing skills, opening more options that were unavailable before. The focus of this class is on learning how to forge-weld, rather than on the completion of projects, but you can expect to leave with you forge-welded items that can be made into finished projects later
Prerequisites: Blacksmithing 100, Blacksmithing 200
Skill Level: Seasoned Beginner
Age Requirement: None
This is the only forging operation not covered is Blacksmithing 100. One of the 7 basic forging operations available to the blacksmith, forge-welding often acquires a reputation for difficulty. This essential skill doesn’t have to be difficult, and this class can show you how. This course will demystify the process and show you some of the “secrets” for successful forge-welding, from careful attention to the state of the fire, to the proper preparation of scarfs, and the application of flux. We will discuss different types of welds and joints for various applications. Once acquired, forge-welding will add significantly to your blacksmithing skills, opening more options that were unavailable before. The focus of this class is on learning how to forge-weld, rather than on the completion of projects, but you can expect to leave with you forge-welded items that can be made into finished projects later